PRODERM was a rural development project financed by the Netherlands, the European Economic Community and the State of Peru. The project was carried out in the department of Cusco (learn more about its history here (pdf)).
The design of the ...Read more 1990
IAA (Peru)
The IAA “Institute for Alternative Agriculture”, formerly called “Institute of Agricultural Support”, was the first organization to adopt the Unu Kamachiq Raymi methodology, after the first trials carried out by PRODERM (see: ...Read more 1992
PAC II (Bolivia)
The Program of the Auto development of Farmers – II (PAC-II) is a project financed by the European Union and the Government of Bolivia. PAC-II started with the use of the Pachamama Raymi methodology in mid-2003, when Willem van Immerzeel was ...Read more
CEDAP clearly is a “pioneer” of Pachamama Raymi. In the end of the 1980s they had become aware that they needed to achieve better results. CEDAP´s work focusses on Ayacucho, a region with high levels of ultra-violence. Ultra-violence is ...Read more 1995
Pachamaman Urupa Qhantawi (Bolivia) The methodology of the Project Pachamaman Urupa (that’s what Pachamama Raymi is called in Aymará) was one of the winners of the Global Contest (pdf) of ideas for development projects in “Development Marketplace”, of the World Bank, held in ...Read more
SID Bolivia SID is an NGO based in the United Status. It started its activities from La Paz, Bolivia, working on democracy in local governments during the early nineties, under the management and direction of Charles Patterson. Willem van Immerzeel met him at a ...Read more 1996
Alto Verapaz Program (Guatemala) Humberto van der Zel, who had previously worked in PRODERM, became co-Director of the ALA 94/89 Program in Guatemala. In included introducing "perma-cultura" (organic farming), using a conventional methodology, that explicitly promised to ...Read more
PLAN MERISS INKA (Peru) Is a project of the Ministry of Agriculture of Peru, and is financed by the KfW and the Peruvian government. The project is aimed at improving irrigation in the southern mountain region of Peru. Plan Meriss Inka received many years of technical ...Read more 1998
MARENASS (Peru) Roberto Haudry de Soucy, of IFAD, became co-Director of PRODERM (see above) when the first Unu Kamachiq contests were under way (Augosto 1988). Years later, and back in IFAD, he decided to start the design of an innovative project for Peru, using ...Read more 1999
MASAL (Peru) The Project for the Sustainable Soil and Water Management in the Mountains (MASAL) is implemented in the framework of the bilateral agreement between the Peruvian and Swiss Governments. The national counterpart is the Ministry of Agriculture of Peru ...Read more 2001
DEXCEL International Much experienced was accumulated after several years of design and application of Pachamama Raymi. Many institutions, big and small, were implementing contests, in combinations with peer learning (farmer-to-farmer training). Pachamama Raymi had ...Read more 2003
Araucanía Tierra Viva Program (Chile) April 2003 was the formal start of the “Program for the Environmental Reclamation and Socio-Productive Development of Farmers and Indigenous People” started in the IXth Region of Chile, known as the Araucania. The program is now better known as ...Read more
SID Guatemala (USA) Early 2001, Charles Patterson requested Willem van Immerzeel to design a program for Guatemala. Years later, Abraham Borda (director of SID-Bolivia) assisted the start of the SID-Guatemala program.Read more 2004
Jaén San Ignacio Bagua Special Project (Peru) Rural Development in Jaén, San Ignacio, Bagua and Utcubamba (Peru).
The Agro-Environmental Program started in March 2003, with the objective to contribute to reclamation and preservation of the natural resources and improvement of incomes ...Read more PRODEPINE (Ecuador) The Project for the Development of the Indigenous and Afro-ecuatorian people of Ecuador (PRODEPINE) requested the design (pdf) of a program aimed at the reclamation of natural resources, based on the methodology Pachamama Raymi. The second phase of PRODEPINE would be implemented using Pachamama Raymi nation wide. However, changes within the program impeded its implementation. 2005
PROMARENA (Bolivia) The ‘Management of Natural Resources in the Chaco and High Valley Regions Project’ aims at reducing rural poverty, natural resource deterioration and desertification through the enhanced capacity of beneficiaries to significantly improve their ...Read more
SIERRA SUR Project (Peru) With the experience of the MARENASS Project, the Ministry of Agriculture of Peru and IFAD start a new project. Read more
VSF CICDA (Bolivia) This project started in 2002 in just a few communities of the municipalities of Salinas de Garci Mendoza, Llica and Tahua between the biggest salt lakes of the bolivian highland. The project is financed by the NGO VSF-CICDA and AVSF. After several ...Read more
Adoption of terraces in the Peruvian Andes A PhD Thesis of Helena Posthumus of the University of Wageningen, comparing different methodologies to achieve adoption of an innovation.
Adoption of terraces in the Peruvian Andes
Doctoral Thesis Wageningen UniversityRead more
IPSWAM (Bangladesh) During the nintees, Euroconsult (now Euroconsult Mott MacDonald), a Dutch consultancy company was implementing three projects using Pachamama Raymi: PAC-II in Bolivia, the Program ALA 94/89 in Guatemala (both financed by the European Union) and the ...Read more 2006
Desde el Surco (Ecuador) Proyecto Ubillus
Proyecto Nizag Read more
Pachamama Raymi In 2006 Willem van Immerzeel had 18 years of experience with adapting and implementing the Pachamama Raymi methodology to very diverse institutional, social and cultural realities in several Latin American countries.
Several "wild" ...Read more
SERMANU (Peru) In 2006 SERMANU signed an agreement with DEXCEL-Peru. SERMANU is an organization of 66 rural and indigenous communities surrounding and within the Manu National Park. Most of these communities are within the buffer zone of the Park. The first ...Read more
A PhD A PhD Thesis of Aad Kessler (pdf) of the University of Wageningen, about the use of contests to disseminate soil conservation measures in Bolivia:
"Moving people towards collective action in soil and water conservation, Experiences from ...Read more
Altagro (Peru and Bolivia) ALTAGRO aims at contributing to the attainment of the Millennium Development Goals by working with rural farming communities in the Altiplano. The five specific objectives are: Improve the productivity, diversity and income generation of farming ...Read more 2007
ALIADOS (Peru) The Alliance Program (Programa Aliados) was formulate and is being implemented based on the experience of MARENASS. It is a project of the Peruvian Government, which started its activities at the end of 2007. The project is financed through World ...Read more
Concejo Nacional del Ambiente CONAM is the Environmental Authority in Peru. Its aim is to plan, promote, coordinate, control and watch over the environment and the natural assets of the Nation. Its objective is to promote the conservation of the environment to support the ...Read more
Leren van Elkaar (Holand) Pieter Romein, an engineer retired from working all of his professional career for Royal Dutch Shell, decided to dedicate himself to working for farmers in Peru. (See: pdf). He therefore created the Dutch Peer Learning Association ("Leren van ...Read more
Runamaki (Peru) The NGO Runamaki is a local NGO operating in the Department of Cusco. At present it receives donations from the Dutch NGO “Leren van Elkaar”, on the condition that it implements projects using the methodology Pachamama Raymi. At present it ...Read more
ADEMA (Bolivia) ADEMA started its activities in La Paz, Bolivia, when the whole Pachamama Raymi crew of SID-Bolivia decided to separate the Pachamama Raymi projects from SID-Bolivia. Its director is Abraham Borda. Their first project was financed by "Nuevo ...Read more 2008
Kirehe Community Based Watershed Management Project (KWAMP), Rwanda, Africa IFAD's first experience with the Pachamama Raymi methodology , was in MARENASS. Few years after this project ended, IFAD formulates an innovative project for Rwanda (Africa), using some elements of Pachamama Raymi, like the "community ...Read more
MIDEPLAN (Chile) Needs were spotted to improve the system of Chile Solidario, and in line with the policy of institutional strengthening, SERPLAC from the Region of Aysén decided to improve several components, including its three dimensions: management of values, ...Read more
Centro de Estudios para el Desarrollo (Peru) CEDER is an NGO and was founded in 1983, in Puno (Peru). It's work is focused on three areas of rural development (1) decentralization (2) regional and local competitiveness to improve farmers' incomes and (3) improve education for poor children.
...Read more 2009
AID FOR PERU "Aid for Peru" supports the reconstruction of areas in the south of the country that were struck by the earthquake in 2007.
The project is to run for 18 months with funding of EUR 3 million. Activities include, improving living ...Read more 2010
PACC Peru The program Adaptation to Climate Change proposed to adapt 25 rural communities to this change. This task requires high goals and great program effectiveness. A large majority of rural families and their organizations should adopt a number of ...Read more 2012
Suyana Foundation The Suyana Foundation started somewhere during 2011 in the district of Ocongate (Cusco, Peru) in human health, where Pachamama Raymi had worked during three years, ending its presence shortly after the arrival of Suyana.
Suyana operated from ...Read more
Transboundary Joint Secretariat for the Southern Caucasus, Promoting Cooperation in Nature Conservat The Special Project San Ignacio Bagua in Jaen (Cajamarca, Peru) under the direction of Vinzenz Zender, applied a variant of the methodology Pachamama Raymi. At the time, Andreas Weitzel was responsible for the KfW office in Peru. This endeavor was ...Read more
First Contest of Healthy Homes in Ocobamba Ocobamba District Municipality in the province of La Convention in the department of Cusco was imposed achieve extraordinary results with Food Security Project. For this reason they decided to use the methodology Pachamama Raymi, peasants and hired ...Read more 2013
Tufts University Contests as a Tool for Development
Evidence from Peru
A Thesis submitted by Mikal S. Davis in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the degree of Master of Science in Economics
The methodology Pachamama Raymi uses ...Read more 2014
Puririsun Kuska The Pachamama Raymi Civil Association has formed dozens of peasants coordinators and experts versed in implementing projects with our methodology. Some of them are hired by other organizations to implement the methodology. In this case, the district ...Read more