Pitumarca is a district of the province of Canchis, in the Cusco region. Pitumarca is one of the poorest regions of Peru. About 500 farmer families (that consist the total population of 11 farmer communities) participate in this project. The project started in January 2016 and will end in February 2019.
The project is executed in close cooperation with the district Municipality of Pitumarca. Till now 5 competitions have been organised. The businesses that generate the best income improvements in the short term are raising guinea pigs and raising alpacas. Excellent progress has been made in preventive healthcare.
By the end of the project a total of more one million and a half trees will have been planted in Pitumarca , thanks to the work of the farmers and the management of 6 forest nurseries located within the district, producing species as pine, queuña and chachacomo.