Pilpichaca is located in the province of Huaytará, department of Huancavelica, at an altitude of more than 4200 meters and with 91% of the population living in poverty, being one of the most extreme districts where Pachamama Raymi works since November 2011.
The conditions were very precarious, a family on average had 2 to 3 rooms including the kitchen, mostly simple huts with stone walls (78%) and thatched roof (89%). Now, one family has an average of 5 to 6 rooms, built with adobe or tapial (56%) and with a calamine roof (54%), thus improving the living conditions of most families.
The motivation and enthusiasm of the families is overflowing, they managed to invest in the improvement of their homes, the implementation of trout farms, the improvement of the quality of alpacas, among others.
Only one sample, 43% of the families (90) invested in the purchase of alpaca breeders, with a total amount of 71,390 nuevos soles, even exceeding the contribution of the local government.