Plant your forest
This year we added new forestry allies who helped to contribute to the planting of more trees in the communities of this district. The Caja Municipal del Cusco and Scania del Peru are two companies that joined the program "Plant your forest" and thanks to their donation it was possible to plant 60,000 timber trees in the communities of Quencconay, Rocoto and Huanca-Huanca.
In 2019 the families continued to develop businesses such as avocado cultivation and guinea pig breeding.
Cultivation of avocado trees
223 families planted 14,460 avocado trees in communal areas with irrigation.
The families formed organizations of avocado growers in each community in order to coordinate the purchase and application of agro-ecological inputs and for the subsequent marketing of the production.
Guinea pig breeding
The families began building guinea pig sheds and bought good quality guinea pigs, as well as planting forage. The association formed last year was consolidated and has 35 families as members. 18 families have an average of 60 guinea pigs and their goal is to have 200 guinea pigs each. Four new communities joined the guinea pig breeding: Huanca, Coror, Arabito, and Quenconay.